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September 2008 Archives

September 9, 2008

Pedal vs. Paddle

While in Montana visiting relatives, I just missed witnessing a John Henry-like contest on nearby Whitefish Lake yesterday. Greg Kolodziejzyk rode his sleek bicycle-powered craft for 24 hours around a circular course to break the previous distance record set two years ago by Carter Johnson paddling a kayak. Could the machinery of pedal-powered propulsion match the simple elegance of arms and paddles? Apparently it could, because by 9am this morning Kolodziejzyk battled boredom and hunger to set the new world record of 151.3 miles in 24 hours!

Check out his boat and other adventures: www.adventuresofgreg.com

September 11, 2008

Scrappers on Film

Oh! There are others out there who are as intrigued by scrapper trucks as I am. You can even get a sneak peek at the Scrappers documentary being made by Brian Ashby, Ben Kolak and Courtney Prokopas. According to their little press release they are holding a benefit this Friday:

Benefit for Scrappers
a documentary film by Brian Ashby, Ben Kolak, and Courtney Prokopas

Friday, September 12th, 2008
at The AV-aerie
2000 W. Fulton

-scenes from the film
-large triple-channel projection (one night only!)
-conversation with the filmmakers and subjects
-tickets available to a private screening of the finished film
-musical performances by:

Frank Rosaly
Jonathan Crawford/Frank Rosaly/Michael Zerang percussion trio
The Friction Brothers

DJ John Corbett

$10 suggested donation at the door
RSVP requested, to scrapmovie@gmail.com

Set in Chicago's labyrinth of alleyways, Scrappers is a cinema verite portrait of three men vying against thousands of other metal scavengers, all searching for a living with brains, brawn and battered pickup trucks.

Learn more at:

About September 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Down Chicago’s Drain in September 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2008 is the previous archive.

November 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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