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Books - Cork Boat

Cork Boat by John Pollack
Anchor Books (2005)

A funny and inspiring tale of a whimsical plan to build a boat from discarded wine corks. Since childhood, the author collected used corks for an imaginary raft. Years later he decides to complete the project, but numbers of corks necessary are enormous, and the dream becomes an obsession that takes years of effort.

Pollack was once a speech writer for President Clinton, and the story contains many of the best things about a rousing oration: a childhood dream, on the verge of being lost, but through teamwork and faith and hard work, the author is able to finally achieve his plans.

Well, the story is more fun and silly than that makes it sound. The enthusiasm of the author for his project is infectious, and you may find yourself reviving some old childhood visions, too.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 10, 2008 11:34 AM.

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The next post in this blog is A Float Trip on the Li Jiang - Part 1.

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