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Messing About in Boats

Here are some photos from Saturday's Guerrilla Flotilla on the Chicago River behind Goose Island:

Guerilla Flotilla

There were seven homemade boats that made it to the river to go for a little float. Yly's trailer raft proved unstable and promptly flipped him into the water, but the rest were all fairly seaworthy, even the Whiskey Rebellion, which was made from three half barrels with room for three sailors who paddled in circles.

Birthday Cake on the River

Carl's Boat-a-saurus Wrecks was powered by a hand-cranked propeller, which worked better in theory than reality.

Guerilla Flotilla

Guerilla Flotilla

Friends, passersby and landlubbers enjoyed the show and tried out some of the boats.

Guerilla Flotilla

Guerilla Flotilla

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